Sei's specialising in urban design and innovative products; most of his his works are without using nails, screws, and glue. They are 'knock-down'system and ready to assemble. His new innovative product is 'Foot Bike', combination between scooter and bike.
SEI- Salvador Eduardo Iannello, this is how 'SEI Arte y Mobiliario' name came up as a small carpentry business. After long preparation and some complications, Salvador managed to get all ready and launched his business in San Christobal neighbourhood in Bogota. There where he has a 25m2 workshop and some of ready products.

Salvador has been always wanting to become a carpenter since he was kid. Growing up surrounded by wood working and tools that his uncle had makes him very familiar and love working in carpentry. The idea popped up when he finished his contract in the previous job as a salesman in a manufacturing company. He started with his partner Sandra Hernandez who's in charge in sales and communication with clients.
In general SEI does different range and varieties of furniture, including kiss furniture, however he's specialising in urban design and innovative products; most of his his works are without using nails, screws, and glue. They are 'knock-down'system and ready to assemble. His new innovative product is 'Foot Bike', combination between scooter and bike. He plans to do more other innovative projects, specially for children furniture.
Follow Sei' work on Instagram/ Facebook @sei_arteymobiliario
Behind the scene